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What's On

Jurassic Loc – Down Interactive Dino Show

Bellini's Newry 25 Merchants Quay, Newry, United Kingdom

Take a prehistoric leap into the world of the dinosaurs with LOC-DOWN EVENTS and their fun filled educational live dinosaur show! Meet a full crèche of Baby Dinos including raptors…


Bellini's Newry 25 Merchants Quay, Newry, United Kingdom

Fantastic local 3-peice band 'The Wolf Is In' join us for your Saturday night celebrations! Live in the main bar.

Dylan Kelly

Bellini's Newry 25 Merchants Quay, Newry, United Kingdom

Friday night LIVE with fantastic local man 'DYLAN KELLY'

Just Sayin

Bellini's Newry 25 Merchants Quay, Newry, United Kingdom

Dynamic singing duo 'JUST SAYIN' make their debut at Bellinis Newry.

Mo Rocks

Bellini's Newry 25 Merchants Quay, Newry, United Kingdom

Kicks start your weekend with the one & only 'MO ROCKS'

CeeV & Jack

Bellini's Newry 25 Merchants Quay, Newry, United Kingdom

LIVE in the main bar, customer firm favorite  'Ceev & Jack' are back with their unique sound!

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